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Your generous contribution will help me educate & encourage Hawai'i's voters to get out & contribute to the future of Hawai'i by VOTING FOR CHANGE. 

It's time to break the giant of systemic corruption in Hawai'i, and we cannot do it without your support. 

If we want to restore righteousness into government, and change the laws, we have to change the LAW MAKERS. 

Mahalo for joining the revolution for righteousness! 

Contribute to bettering Hawai'i

Help us make a difference


Mahalo for your contribution!

We will never sell, or misuse any information you provide. The information you provide is used solely to adhere to the Hawai'i Campaign Spending Commission guidelines for their record purposes. 

Check donations can be made payable to:
The friends of Keikilani Ho


16-566 Kea'au Pahoa Road Suite 188-483
kea'au, HI 96749

Please include full legal name, employer,  phone,and address for campaign reporting purposes. We will not contact you for any other reason, other than to say mahalo! We do not sell, or share any information.

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